Film on the wall in Bethlehem in Northfield and the TC

This season, you’re invited to learn about another side of life in Bethlehem.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Film Showings of “Sacred Space Denied: Bethlehem and the Wall” in Saint Paul and Northfield

This groundbreaking documentary shares the gripping story of three men—a Palestinian Muslim, a Palestinian Christian, and an Israeli Jew—born into violence and willing to risk everything to bring an end to violence in their lifetime.

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel present an afternoon of entertainment & education:

Time: 2-4 pm

at the Just Foods Co-op Community Room

Speakers: “Making Room in Bethlehem Today” by Peter Mann @ 2:30 and

“A Presentation on MN Break the Bonds” by Bill McGrath @ 3:00

The film will be shown twice, at 2:00 and 3:30

The American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights – MN presents a film-showing and discussion:

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 PM

@ Rondo Community Outreach Library (461 N Dale St Saint Paul, MN 55103)


To print a flier for the Northfield event click here: AAPER Event

To print a flier for the Saint Paul event click here: Northfield Event.


IWW endorses BDS in Support of Palestinian Rights!

Submitted by intexile,, December 2, 2010

12/2/2010 The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies) has officially voted to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in support of Palestinian rights. The “Resolution in Support of the Workers of Palestine/Israel” was adopted in an overwhelming vote both at the IWW’s convention in Minneapolis and by the membership via referendum. This vote makes the IWW the first union in the US and the third union in Canada to officially support the Palestinian United Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.

Inspired by the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, the BDS movement calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until such time as fundamental Palestinian rights are recognized. The BDS call is supported by a broad cross-section of Palestinian society, including Palestinian unions.

The resolution to support the BDS campaign comes out of the work of the IWW’s International Solidarity Commission and the IWW Friends of Palestinian Workers Group, a grassroots network of Wobblies supportive of the Palestinian, Israeli and international struggle against Israeli apartheid. Support for the BDS campaign was also stressed by all the Palestinian workers who met with members of the IWW on the IWW delegation to Palestine, particularly the Independent Workers Federation of Palestine, with whom the IWW shares a close bond of solidarity.

“For a union concerned with international solidarity, supporting the BDS movement is the right thing to do”, said IWW member Nathaniel Miller, who serves on the International Solidarity Commission and attended the IWW delegation to Palestine. “By officially supporting this BDS call, the IWW stands shoulder to shoulder with Palestinian workers in a global picket line against Israeli apartheid.”

“Our support of the BDS movement is in line with traditional wobbly principles of anti-racism and international solidarity”

The IWW Friends of Palestinian Workers Group resolves to continue to advance the cause of Palestinian rights inside and outside of the IWW.

Founded in 1905, the IWW is a union with a long tradition of solidarity and anti-militarism, and has been central to some of the most important struggles in US working class history. More recently, the IWW has been successful organizing at Starbucks and in the fast food industry, among workers long thought to be unorganizable. The IWW is an international union, with members across North America, Europe, Australia, and South Africa.

To Contact IWW Friends of Palestinian Workers Group

  • Phone – 610-209-1447
  • E-mail – nathaniel [at]


First published:


List of Endorsers

We are continually accepting organizational endorsements.


List of Endorsers from Minnesota:

National Lawyers Guild – MN (Minnesota)

Friends of Sabeel North America (Minnesota)

Green Party – MN (Minnesota)

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel (Northfield, Minnesota)

SouthEastern MN Alliance of Peacemakers (Minnesota)

Industrial Workers of the World – Twin Cities GMB (Minnesota)

Veterans for Peace – Twin Cities Chapter 27 (Minnesota)

Veterans for Peace – Duluth Chapter 80 (Minnesota)

Nygaard Notes, (Minneapolis Minnesota)

Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) – (Minnesota)

Middle East Peace Now (Minnesota)

Alliant Action, Eden Prairie (Minnesota)

List of Endorsers from outside of Minnesota:

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (National)

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – USA (National)

Tadamon! (Montreal, Quebec)

Birth Right Unplugged (Bay Area, CA)

Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (Wisconsin)

Boycott From Within (Israel)

We Are Wide Awake (New Orleans, LA)

Middle East Children’s Alliance (Berkeley, CA)

Palestine-Israel Action Group (Michigan)

People for Peace London (Ontario)

American Jews for a Just Peace (National)

Justice for Palestinians (San Jose, CA)

Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel (New York)

Teacher Against Occupation (National)

Sacramento BDS Working Group (California)

UC Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine (California)

Olympia BDS (Washington)

Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid (California)

US Campaign to End the Occupation (National)

Middle East Crisis Response (New York)

Hudson Valley BDS (New York)

Arab-Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice in the Middle East (Chicago, IL)

NLG’s Free Palestine Subcommittee (California)

US Palestinian Community Network (National)

Movement to End Israeli Apartheid (Georgia)

14 Friends of Palestine (California)

WESPAC Foundation (Westchester County, NY)

Palestine Solidarity Group (Chicago, IL)

Inter Denominational Advocates for Peace – Ann Arbor (Michigan)

Christian Peacemaker Teams–Palestine (International/West Bank, Palestine)

Nonviolence International  (Washington, DC)

Shomer Shalom (National)

Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel (Vermont)

Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice (Washington)


View the Petition Signatories!

If you have not yet signed the petition yourself, click here!

Name Location Organizational Affiliation
RubÃon Sacchi Argentina Casa del Trabajador Agustín Tosco
Brook Bernini Arizona
Julie Rist Arizona
Terrence Lewis Arizona
Benjamin Kendall Arizona
Paul Howes Australia
Martha Roth Australia Australian Workers Union
Robert Corra Australia Australians for Palestine
Stan Squires British Columbia, Canada Independent Jewish Voices-Canada
Raymond Sasso British Columbia, Canada
Ruth Schwarz California
Farah Rowaysati California Jewish Voices for Peace
Toni Zurzola California Youth Against Normalization
Donna Wallach California
David Faubion California Justice for Palestinians, Free Gaza Movement, U.S. Boat to Gaza
Perry Bellow-Handelman California Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid of Southern California
Alita Letwin California International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Leon Letwin California
Marilyn Cornwell California
Anonymous California
Anonymous California
Anonymous California Interested Citizen
Gus Gomez California
Massimo Mandolini Pesaresi California
Birgit Hermann California
Mary and Gene Perry California
Geoffrey Cook California End Israeli Occupation
Charles G Bates California Peace & Justice Commision, Episcopal Ciocese of California
Gil Medovoy California Attorney at Law
Jane Sun California
Anonymous California
Earl H. Staelin Colorado
Hector Lopez Colorado
Jean Thorsen Connecticut
Ed Rukab Connecticut
Rami Ali Egypt
Anonymous Florida
Anonymous Florida
Anonymous Florida
Norbert Mueller France Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture
Frieder Schöbel Germany Terre Des Hommes Germany
Anonymous Germany Braunschweig Peace Centre
Anonymous Germany
Barbara Razowsky Illinois
Lee Gargagliano Illinois International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Brenna Thomas Illinois
Paul Thomas Illinois American Educational Trust; Council for the National Interest
Paul Bouwmeester Illinois
Mustafa Hassan Illinois Arab American Action Network
Layla Judah Illinois
Louis Hirsch Illinois
Yasiu Kruszynski Illinois
Jeff Hunziker Illinois
Anonymous Illinois
Paul Kane Illinois
Jamie Atari Indiana
Don Wiederanders Indiana
Tanis Diedrichs Iowa
Jim Schlautman Iowa
Tamar Yaron Iowa
Dianne Hofmann Israel Encounter-EMEM for International Israel-Palestine Peace Activities
Sean Clinton Kansas Jewish Voices for Peace
Sarah Howard Limerick, Ireland Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Alex Cachinero-Gorman Louisiana
Alex Van Leer Louisiana Western Mass Coalition for Palestine/Hampshire College SJP
Susan Barney Massachusetts
Linda Howe Massachusetts
Esther Nelson Massachusetts
Mark Messing Massachusetts
Anonymous Michigan MidEast/ JustPeace
Myra Ford Michigan
Elisabeth Geschiere Michigan MN Break the Bonds
Ross Rowley Michigan Burnsville Peace Vigil
Coleen Rowley Minnesota Burnsville Peace Vigil
Jean Chovan Minnesota
Manuel Barrera, PhD Minnesota
Corbin Minnesota
Lois H. Eckstein Minnesota
Mona Minnesota
Jerry Franck Minnesota
Sylvia Schwarz Minnesota MN BBC, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network-TC
Margaret Esslinger Minnesota
Catherine Yamoor Minnesota
Ruth Fassett Minnesota
Yusuf-Rasheed Reed Minnesota
Dave Fitzgerald Minnesota
Helen Fitzgerald Minnesota
Van Lawrence Minnesota
Steven Olberg Minnesota
K. Flo Razowsky Minnesota International Jewish Anti-Zoinist Network, MN Break the Bonds
Mike Whalen Minnesota
Susanne Waldorf Minnesota Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Sriram Ananth Minnesota Minnesota Break the Bonds
Sue Halligan Minnesota
Beth A. Minnesota
Hadley Pope Minnesota
James Schmidt Minnesota
Ellen Minnesota
Sheila Lais Minnesota
Luce Guillen-Givins Minnesota
Beth Minnesota
Wanda S.Ballentine Minnesota
Lynn Rigg Minnesota Red Wing Alliance for Peace
Elizabeth Johnson Minnesota
Emily Lindell Minnesota
Jimmy Abernethy Minnesota
Kelly Brazil Minnesota
Jessica Belt Minnesota
Rukhsana Ghouse Minnesota
Michael Cavlan RN Minnesota Minnesota Open Progressives
James C. Fuller Minnesota
David Pellow Minnesota
Tim Nolan Minnesota Editor of GLOBAL PEACE
Victoria S. Downey Minnesota
Shivaun Watchorn Minnesota Opposition to War and Occupation
Sharon Fortunak Minnesota
Bill McGrath Minnesota Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel
Dori Ullman Minnesota
Jerry Kahlert Minnesota
Nicholas Eustice Minnesota
Susan Offerdahl Minnesota
Sarah Minnesota
Susan Phillips Minnesota
Jordan Ash Minnesota
Xavier Schmitz Minnesota
Lauren Carlson Minnesota
Theodore Wallace Minnesota
Madeline Gardner Minnesota University of MN School of Nursing
Juli Montgomery-Riess Minnesota Minneapolis Public Schools
Courtney Butcher Minnesota
Nicholas Nerburn Minnesota TESC Divest, Olympia BDS
Joanne Kaye Minnesota PPG
Robert Heberle Minnesota Veterans For Peace
Dave Logsdon Minnesota Veteran’s for Peace
Michael A. Madden Minnesota Chisago County DFL
Mike Madden Minnesota Veterans For Peace
Ann Galloway Minnesota
Ayah Helmy Minnesota
R. J. Segers Minnesota
Solomon E. O’Lunigh Minnesota
Elizabeth Halsey Minnesota Teacher
Molly Johanna Culligan Minnesota Veterans for Peace Associate
Muhammad Al-Qaisi Minnesota
Rose Farrar Minnesota
Meredith Aby Minnesota Anti-War Committee
Hannah Campbell Gustafson Minnesota
Molly Smith Minnesota
Sarah Theisen Minnesota
Jen Theisen Minnesota
Molly Johanna Culligan Minnesota Veterans for Peace
Kate Wolfe Minnesota
Nova McGiffert Minnesota
Eliza Goodwin Minnesota
Andy Driscoll Minnesota The Driscoll Group
Gay Trachsel Minnesota
Anonymous Minnesota
Heidi Uppgaard Minnesota
Anonymous Minnesota
Susan Gad Minnesota
Heather McCrillis Minnesota
John Wilson Minnesota
Rik Svien Minnesota
Sharon D’Amico Minnesota
Mary Frenzel Minnesota End the Occupation
Anonymous Minnesota
David Boehnke Minnesota
Sue Ann Martinson Minnesota WAMM
Hoda Badawi Minnesota
Rev Audrey Benjamin Minnesota United Methodist Church
Andrew Benjamin Minnesota United Methodist Church
Anonymous Minnesota
Wanda S.Ballentine Minnesota
Brian Hirschman Minnesota
Steve Johnson Minnesota
Jane G. Killgore Minnesota
Lynne Rigg Minnesota Red Wing Alliance for Peace
Mary Davies Minnesota
Robert Kearney Minnesota
Peter Yackel Minnesota
Johnny Jones, Jr. Minnesota
Roselyn Schmitt Minnesota Pax Christi
Anonymous Minnesota
Paul B Couming Minnesota
Jo Elise Friedman Minnesota
Anonymous Minnesota
Pamela Nice Minnesota University of St. Thomas
Gary B. Walton Minnesota
Charles Kernler Minnesota
Sherry Berg Minnesota
Pauline Eichten Minnesota
Virginia Kearney Minnesota
Anonymous Minnesota
Marcy Beckman Minnesota
Jeff Nygaard Minnesota Nygaard Notes
Anna Baltzer Missouri US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Lewis Pinch, MD Nebraska
Ernie Nebraska Citizens for Palestinian Self-determination
Leslie Smith Nevada
Daniel Strum New York
Paul Stein New York
Michael Letwin New York Labor for Palestine
Thomas J Rowan New York St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, NY  10457
Anonymous New York
Richard Greve New York
Marc Beschler New York
Ellen Beschler New York
Thomas Cox New York Palestine Justice Network
Ashley Robinson New Zealand Retired U of MN Professor
Vivian Munene North Carolina
Anonymous North Carolina Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Arif Usmani Ohio
Don Bryant Ohio Free Gaza Coaltition
Catherine Podojil Ohio Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network
Abigail Hollister Ohio
Ruth Vandersall Ohio
Laken Pugsley Ohio
Rossen Vassilev Ohio
Aaron Beattie Ontario, Canada
Fred Bukowski Ontario, Canada Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
Sabina MacIntyre Ontario, Canada
Aesha Lorenz Oregon
Mariah Leung Oregon Al-Nakba Awareness Project
Dylan Anderson Oregon Chestnut Tree House Collective
Angela Fazzari Oregon
Nigel Parry Pennsylvania
Dan Berger Pennsylvania
Matthew Graber Pennsylvania
Bench Ansfield Pennsylvania Philly BDS, Philly Jews for a Just Peace
Dan Barnett Pennsylvania Neighborhood Mediation Project
Joy Rosenbloom Pennsylvania Philly Jews for a Just Peace
Mia Bromberg Pennsylvania
Kate Bates Pennsylvania
Bruce Gascoine Pennsylvania
M. Berti Quebec, Canada
Gene and Doris Peters South Dakota
Richard D. Warfield Texas J-Street
Mhara Costello United Kingdom
Debra Stoleroff Vermont Vermonters For A Just Peace in Palestine/Israel
Elizabeth M. Molchany, J.D. Virginia Attorney at Law
James Wilcox Virginia
Nina Cullers Virginia Bethlehem Association
Deborah Potter Virginia
Anonymous Virginia University of Michigan
Linda Jansen Washington
Anonymous Washington
David Schach Washington
Margaret Hashmi Washington
Jackie Wolf Washington
Tim Poe West Virginia
Janie Poe West Virginia
David Dicken West Virginia
Suzanne Kruger West Virginia
Chris Meyer Wisconsin
Cathy Sultan Wisconsin
Jocelyn Tilsen Wisconsin
Corey E. Olsen Wisconsin CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm
Anonymous Wisconsin

MN BBC-member performing “The Hebrew Lesson” December 8-11

The Hebrew Lesson

by Esther Ouray

A “rite of return” about the right of return. “The Hebrew Lesson” is performed with live music and weaves myth, history, and personal narrative into the story of a thwarted journey to deliver an ancestor’s ashes to a homeland perverted by conflict.

December 8 – 11

7:30 pm

at Pillsbury House Theatre

3501 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Tickets: $15 adults. $10 students/seniors.

(Wednesdays @ The House are Pay-What-You-Can-Preview)

More information and tickets at 612-825-0459 or

Esther Ouray and M. Cochise Anderson share the program.


A Must See! Award-winning film “Budrus” at the Lagoon Theatre in Minneapolis Nov. 26 – Dec. 2!

Watch the trailer below, click here to read the City Pages Review, and most importantly, go see:

BudrusThe Lagoon Theatre1320 Lagoon Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55408
(612) 825-6006

Playing November 26th – December 2nd @ 2:40,  4:50, 7:10


From the official Budrus website: Budrus is an award-winning feature documentary film about a Palestinian community organizer, Ayed Morrar, who unites local Fatah and Hamas members along with Israeli supporters in an unarmed movement to save his village of Budrus from destruction by Israel’s Separation Barrier. Success eludes them until his 15-year-old daughter, Iltezam, launches a women’s contingent that quickly moves to the front lines. Struggling side by side, father and daughter unleash an inspiring, yet little-known, movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that is still gaining ground today. In an action-filled documentary chronicling this movement from its infancy, Budrus shines a light on people who choose nonviolence to confront a threat.  The movie is directed by award-winning filmmaker Julia Bacha (co-writer and editor of Control Room and co-director Encounter Point), and produced by Bacha, Palestinian journalist Rula Salameh, and filmmaker and human rights advocate Ronit Avni (formerly of WITNESS, Director of Encounter Point).

While this film is about one Palestinian village, it tells a much bigger story about what is possible in the Middle East. Ayed succeeded in doing what many people believe to be impossible: he united feuding Palestinian political groups, including Fatah and Hamas; he brought women to the heart of the struggle by encouraging his daughter Iltezam’s leadership; and welcoming hundreds of Israelis to cross into Palestinian territory for the first time and join this nonviolent effort. Many of the activists who joined the villagers of Budrus are now continuing to support nonviolence efforts in villages from Bil’in to Nabi Saleh to Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem.

Budrus includes diverse voices– from the Palestinian leaders of the movement and their Israeli allies to an Israeli military spokesman, Doron Spielman, and Yasmine Levy, the Israeli border police captain stationed in the village at that time. While many documentaries about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict either romanticize the notion of peace, or dwell entirely on the suffering of victims to the conflict, this film focuses on the success of a Palestinian-led nonviolent movement.

In a keynote address immediately following the world premiere of Budrus at a Gala screening at the Dubai International Film Festival in December 2009, Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein of Jordan praised the film, stating that Budrus“Gives an enormous amount of hope… It’s a story which will have an impact and can help bring [about] change.”

Budrus received the Panorama Audience Award, Second Prize, at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2010.


Video: All About MN BBC

MN Break the Bonds is thrilled to announce the release of its first official video!

The video includes clips of Israel’s recent assault on Gaza, features varied voices from across Minnesota, and draws parallels between Israeli and South African apartheid and racial segregation in the US.

Viewers of the video witness an array of images from Palestine: the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, grinding check points, the enormous separation wall and modern Jewish-only settlements. With voices of Jews, Christians and Muslims currently residing in Minnesota, the video demonstrates a diverse and growing local movement for justice in Palestine/Israel.

Minnesota’s investment in two Israel bonds supports Israel’s apartheid system in both Israel and the Palestinian Territories and enables widespread abuse of human rights. Israel Bonds finance infrastructure projects including settlement building on the Palestinian West Bank and in East Jerusalem; these settlements displace Palestinians from their own lands.

Watch the video and then be sure to sign our petition to show your support!


To request a copy of the new video, email:


Duluth PACT TV Palestine Film Series Running Now through Dec. 16!

DVDs of Lectures and Presentations on the Palestine-Israel Issue recommended for showing on Duluth PACTV (Cable Channel 20) by Twin Ports Break the Bonds, local affiliate of Minnesota Break the bonds.

All showings are at 2 p.m. and 11 p.m.  on the dates listed below. Each one is an hour in length.

Contact Person: Bob Kosuth, 1224 E. 11th Street, 218-724-4800,

Twin Ports BBC:

Title                                                                               Producer                             Length                  Date

Life in Occupied Palestine                                            Anna Baltzer                      59 minutes              11/11

Jennifer Lowenstein                                                      Our World in Depth           58 min. 57 sec.       11/18

Gaza One Year Later, Part I

Jennifer  Lowenstein                                                     Our World in Depth            59 minutes              11/25

Gaza One Year Later, Part 2

(Also Q & A and David Rovics mini-concert)

Omar Barghouti                                                            Our World in Depth            58 min. 15 sec.         12/2

The Need To Boycott Israel, Part I

Omar Barghouti                                                            Our World in Depth            58 min. 15 sec.          12/9

The Need To Boycott Israel, Part 2

From One West Bank to Another:                                 Our World in Depth         58 min. 45 sec.             12/16

Two Locals’ Stories from Palestine


Planting Peace, Teaching Hope: Daoud Nassar from Tent of Nations

You’re invited to hear Daoud Nasar!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 from 3:30-5:00

Carlson L-110, University of Minnesota

321 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN

Daoud Nassar is a Palestinian Christian farmer whose family works its 100-acre farm and olive grove just outside the West Bank town of Bethlehem. Daoud will discuss his activities at Tent of Nations (TON), a dynamic peace and local education center where Israelis, Palestinians, and internationals join together in solidarity in the pursuit of peace through non-violent activities.

Faculty for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace (FFIPP) is an international network of faculty and students working for a just peace in the Middle East. FFIPP sponsors annual semester-long and summer Israel/Palestine internship programs for University students interested in gaining first-hand experience in the region. Past interns have worked at UN agencies, local human rights organizations, political think tanks, and cultural associations in both Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

Please learn more at: ( ( (


150 Attend Panel Discussion about Palestine/Israel at SCSU!

From left to right: Nail Albarghouthi, Sylvia Schwarz, Susie Gad, and Susanne Waldorf. Photo by Amber Michel

150 students recently attended a panel discussion coordinated by the group, Students for a Free Palestine, at Saint Cloud State University. The four panelists were all members of MN BBC, but each came with a different perspective. The following article by Anazthasya Anthony published in the the University Chronicle of St Cloud State on October 24, 2010 relays more of the story:

On Tuesday, Atwood Little Theatre came to life when students, faculty, and the public engaged with a panel about Israeli-Palestinian issues. Students for a Free Palestine hosted a discussion containing history, personal stories, resistance, and legal violations in Palestine. The panel consisted of speakers, Sylvia Schwartz, Nail Albarghouthi, Susie Gad, and Susanne Waldorf.

Schwarz, a Jewish American, spoke about her childhood memory and what brought her Palestinian solidarity. “We learned in my Sunday school that Israel had the most moral army in the world,” Schwarz said. In 1982, she said she began having doubts, “Suddenly I was aware that I had been lied to.”

Albarghouthi, SCSU student and president of Students for a Free Palestine, shared his view.

“As a child, I had a lot of questions why was I born in Kuwait, raised in Jordan and living in the U.S.,” Albarghouthi said. He also said he was curious why he could not return to his home country, Palestine.

Zionism, Albarghouthi said, is a European colonial movement formed to relocate European Jews in Palestine. “The real problem is the Zionists and the Zionists’ ideology,” Albarghouhi said.

Gad, the third panel speaker, related how the Israel-Palestine conflict was a blur to her until 2006. “Everything was background noise,” Gad, an Egyptian American said. In 2006, while on her study abroad program in Egypt, she and her friends decided to visit Jerusalem.

“My fiancée and I were of Arab descent and we realized right away how drastically different we were treated,” Gad said. The guards at the checkpoint held them for more than seven hours because they were assumed to be Palestinians. She enlightened the crowd on Israel’s legal violations despite stipulations in International Law. “I learned that international law was to ensure that Palestinians received equal civil rights, human rights, political rights, cultural rights, social rights,” Gad said.

The audience learned about various organizations combating oppression of the Palestinians, including Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign through Waldorf. “For some reason, we are invested in Israeli bonds and we are asking the State to divest,” Waldorf said.

One question raised was the position of the U.S. in the conflict. “Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, and a lot of aids are given in forms of grants for Israel to purchase U.S. weapons,” Waldorf said.

When asked about a resolution idea, Albarghouthi stressed the importance of education. “The more educated the general public is, the more they can pressure their government to act upon it,” he said.

Albarghouthi told the crowd about proposed the two-state solution where Palestinians and Israel will be given rights to their own land. “To me, no matter how many states we want to slice it into, giving people their rights, their bite to eat, will reduce the conflict at least by 80 percent,” Albarghouthi said.

Farzona Dzhabbarova, an SCSU student at the event said,“This event taught me even more than I expected.”

Students for a Free Palestine is a relatively new student organization established last March. “The panel is at times much more effective than showing a film, where the conflict is distant, the people involved are distant, and therefore doesn’t hit home,” Albarghouthi added.

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Divest for Justice in Palestine!