For immediate release: Anti-apartheid protestors ejected and assaulted at Timberwolves exhibition game against Israeli team


October 16, 2012


[Minneapolis] Following in the footsteps of the sports boycott of South Africa that contributed to the demise of apartheid, approximately 20 protesters advocating for human rights for Palestinians made their presence known at the Tuesday night Minnesota Timberwolves game against Maccabi-Haifa. Palestinian flags and banners calling for a boycott of Israeli apartheid were displayed and anti-apartheid chants were heard throughout the Target Center minutes into the game clearly catching the attention of the players.

As the banners were unfurled, Target Center security accompanied by Minneapolis Police began ejecting most of the protesters who were waving Palestinian flags and the anti-apartheid banners which were equivalent in size as those waved by pro-Israel counter-protesters, who were not ejected. An experienced legal observer and civil rights attorney who attempted to film the actions of a Target security guard was assaulted by a Target security supervisor, placed under arrest by an accompanying police officer and ejected with the promise of prosecution. Several persons were witness to the incident, which was also filmed by a protester. (Click here to see the footage on YouTube.)

The game was preceded by a letter to each of the Timberwolves players signed by over 100 worldwide human rights organizations requesting that the players boycott the exhibition game against the Israeli team. In addition, hundreds of individuals added their support to this letter through an online petition, tweeting, and Facebook. The organizations, which include church, veteran, women, student and lawyer groups, have all signed onto the Palestinian Civil Society call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until Israel complies with international law and ends its human rights abuses against Palestinians.

According to the letter, the Israeli government sends cultural ambassadors, like the Maccabi-Haifa team, to Europe and the United States to present Israel as a “normal” society for the purpose of whitewashing its human rights and international law violations which include discriminatory laws and a system of apartheid. The letter can be read in its entirety on the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign website at




TAKE ACTION: It’s your turn to tell the Timberwolves “Don’t Play with Apartheid!”

The MN Timberwolves are scheduled to play against the Israeli team, Maccabi-Haifa, this Tuesday, October 16. This game is part of Israel’s vast public relations campaign to gloss over its crimes against humanity. One of Israel’s tactics is to send musicians, artists, and sports teams, abroad as “cultural ambassadors,” to give the impression that all is “normal” in Israel. We say apartheid should not be normalized!

A letter endorsed by over 100 human rights and community organizations was sent to each Timberwolves player, yet we have not heard a response from any of them.

Help us make our voices louder!

Sign our petition to demand “MN Timberwolves: Don’t Play with Apartheid, Boycott Israel!”

Tweet @MNTimberwolves using #BoycottIsraelSports between now and 7 pm on Tuesday, October 16 (game time).

Feel free to use these tweets and/or to get creative. You can just copy and paste–these are less than 140 characters, we checked!

RT if you think @MNTimberwolves should cancel their game with Maccabi-Haifa in s’port of human rights for all! #BoycottIsraelSports

RT if u think @MNTimberwolves should refuse to play Maccabi-Haifa because apartheid is not MN Nice #BoycottIsraelSports

We want to hear from you @MNTimberwolves! Will you s’port apartheid or equality? #boycottisraelsports

RT if you think @KevinLove should boycott apartheid because love is more than just a name #BoycottIsraelSports

–>You can also tweet at almost all the different Timberwolves players–just click on the links below!

Post on Facebook!

Make your status: Sign this petition if you think apartheid is not a game the MN Timberwolves should be playing:

Use this image for your cover or profile picture:

Thank you for taking action!

List of Twitter Accounts for Timberwolves players:


Over 100 organizations sign open letter to MN Timberwolves demanding “Don’t Play with Apartheid”

On October 12, 2012, the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign, along with over 100 organizations from around the world, sent the following letter to each of the Minnesota Timberwolves players.

If you think the MN Timberwolves should take a stand for human rights and boycott Israeli apartheid, click here to join hundreds of others around the world who are taking action!

Dear MN Timberwolves,

With a sense of urgency, we ask you to boycott the exhibition game against Maccabi-Haifa, the Israeli team that you are scheduled to play next Tuesday, October 16. Israel is committing grave human rights abuses involving an elaborate system of racial apartheid which discriminates against the native Palestinians in violation of international law. Israel’s abuses have been confirmed by the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice. Israel has been convicted by the Russell Tribunal of the crime of apartheid. Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu has described Israel’s apartheid system as worse than the apartheid that existed in South Africa. Yet, despite worldwide condemnation, Israel not only refuses to dismantle its apartheid system, but it continues to expand and reinforce it.

Join the worldwide cultural boycott of Israel. Join musicians, such as Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd), writers like Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple), academics like Gérard Toulouse (a member of the French Academy of Sciences), and many others who have all agreed to boycott Israel until Israel complies with international law and ends its human rights abuses against the Palestinians. Don’t play against Maccabi-Haifa. A sports boycott of Israel sends a powerful message to Israel that its policy of occupation, expulsion and racism against Palestinians is unacceptable.

Israel has a vast propaganda machine which wages a constant public relations campaign to gloss over its crimes against humanity. One of Israel’s tactics is to send athletic teams abroad as “cultural ambassadors,” to give the impression that all is “normal” in Israel. We say apartheid should not be normalized! If you play against the Maccabi-Haifa team, you are being used by this propaganda machine.

History has shown that what ended apartheid in South Africa was not so much the economic boycotts leveled against the country, but the sporting and cultural boycotts, which focused the world’s attention on South Africa’s inhuman and racist system of apartheid designed to subjugate its own black citizens.  Recently reflecting on the actions that brought apartheid to an end in South Africa, Reverend Tutu identified the sports boycott as essential in “conveying to the sport-crazy South Africans that our society had placed itself beyond the pale by continuing to organize its life on the basis of racial discrimination.”

Palestinians living within the Israeli borders are discriminated against by a variety of Israeli laws that include the Law of Return (1950 – allowing Jews from anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel, yet disallowing non-Jews that opportunity), the Absentee Property Law (1950 – allowing the State of Israel to confiscate the property of Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed from their homes in 1948), and the Citizenship & Entry into Israel Law (2012 – barring Palestinian Israeli citizens from living with their non-Israeli spouses). These laws and many others discriminate against an entire segment of the population based only on ethnicity.

Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are ruled by Israel under “Military Order” while Jewish Israeli settlers, who are living in the West Bank (illegally, according to Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention) are ruled under Israeli civil law. Examples of the obscene differences between the two systems of laws are Military Order number 132, which declares Palestinians under military jurisdiction from age 12 and the age of majority age 16, while an Israeli is a minor until age 18; and the Administrative Detention policy, which allows a Palestinian to be held without charge or trial for an extendable 180 days, while an Israeli may be held for only 48 hours without charge or trial. Israel allocates 48 times more water to illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank, per person, than the Palestinians who must pay twice as much for water and electricity,  which is regularly cut off. Israel operates a modern apartheid highway system throughout the West Bank that Palestinians are prohibited from using, leaving mostly long and rugged side roads and dirt paths as the only means of transportation. Palestinian villages are cut off from one another, dividing families, and are surrounded by walls and checkpoints requiring special identification and passes to enter and exit.

Israel has made it impossible with its blockades, checkpoints and travel restrictions for Palestinian sportsmen and women to even meet together to practice as a team. In addition, Israel destroys or prevents access to the very limited training facilities available in the occupied territories. In 2006 FIFA condemned the Israeli direct strike on Gaza Stadium which it deemed was “without any reason.” Israel routinely prevents Palestinian sportsmen from attending international sports competitions.

Palestinians and their descendants who were ethnically cleansed from Israel and Palestine in 1948 have been languishing since that time in refugee camps. They have never been allowed to return home, even though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which Israel signed and ratified), insists that all people must be allowed to return to their homes regardless of the reason that they left.

Be on the right side of history! Don’t normalize apartheid! Boycott Israel!


Organization State/Country
The Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign MN
St Cloud State University Students for a Free Palestine MN
Minnesota Coalition for Palestinian Rights MN
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network – Twin Cities MN
Middle East Peace Now MN
Northfielders for Justice in Palestine MN
Women Against Military Madness – Mideast Committee MN
Melbourne Students for Justice in Palestine Australia
Women in Black – Vienna Austria
Students for Justice in Palestine at Arizona State University AZ
Coordination Boycott Israel Belgium
Palestina Solidariteit Belgium
Birthright Unplugged CA
South Bay Mobilization CA
BDS-LA for justice in Palestine CA
San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice CA
Davis Committee for Palestinian Rights CA
North Coast Coalition for Palestine CA
Buena Vista United Methodist Church – Committee on Church and Society CA
International Solidarity Movement – Northern California CA
San Diego BDS Committee CA
Palestine-Israel Working Group of Nevada County CA
Culture and Conflict Forum CA
Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights CA
Al-Awda San Diego, Palestine Right to Return Coalition CA
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition CA
Al-Awda New York – Palestine Right to Return Coalition Canada
Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign Vancouver Canada
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Canada
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights Canada
Palestine Solidarity Network-Edmonton Canada
CU-Divest! CO
DC Riders for Peace DC
Sabeel DC Metro DC
Way to Jerusalem Mission Group DC FL
EuroPalestine France
Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple France
Collectif Judeo-Arabe et Citoyen Pour La Paix France
France Palestine Solidarité France
BDS Group Berlin Germany
Stichting Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina Germany
Palestina Komite Germany Germany
Hawaii Peace and Justice HI
Holy Land Peace HI
US Palestinian Community Network IL
Palestine Solidarity Group – Chicago IL
Students for Justice in Palestine of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville IL
BDS Earlham IN
Indian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel India
Don’t Play Apartheid Israel International
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods International
Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign Ireland
Boycott from Within Israel
Citizens for Justice in the Middle East–Kansas City KS
Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights MA
Committee for Palestinian Rights – Howard County, MD MD
Committee for Palestinian Rights MD
Maine BDS Coalition for Palestinian Rights ME
Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights ME
InterDenominational Advocates for Peace MI
St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee MO
Citizens for Palestinian Self Determination NE
Netherlands Palestine Committee Netherlands
Stop the Occupation Netherlands
Utrecht for Palestine Netherlands
Breed Platform Palestina Netherlands
NH Veterans for Peace NH
Heart of Palestine NJ
Philly BDS NJ
Students for Justice in Palestine- University of New Mexico NM
Labor for Palestine NY
New York City Labor Against the War NY
Jews Say No! NY
Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel NY
Hunter College Students for Justice in Palestine NY
Brooklyn College Students for Justice in Palestine NY
John Jay College Students for Justice in Palestine NY
Jews For Palestinian Right Of Return NY
International Socialist Organization NY
Students for Justice in Palestine at Brooklyn College NY
Al-Nakba Awareness Project OR
The Philadelphia Coalition for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction PA
Veterans For Peace PA
RESCOP-Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupacion de Palestina SC
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign Scotland
Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign – Dundee Scotland
North Plains Friends of Palestine SD
Gerrak Gelditu Spain
Urgence Palestine Switzerland
Students for a Democratic Society at University of Houston TX
Boycott Israel Network, UK United Kingdom
Innovative Minds United Kingdom
Palestine Education Initiative United Kingdom
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign United Kingdom
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network United States
National Lawyers Guild – Free Palestine Subcommittee United States
US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel United States
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation United States
American Muslims for Palestine United States
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA United States
Veterans for Peace National Palestine and Middle East Working Group Unites States
West Hills Friends WA
Vancouver For Peace WA
Christ’s Way Church WA
Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Aberystwyth Wales
Friends of Palestine Wisconsin WI
Wisconsin Middle East Lobby Group WI,



Report: Talkative Appellate Panel Gives Some Hope, Few Clues

October 1, 2012

The MN BBC et. al. appeal was argued in the Minnesota Court of Appeals on September 27, 2012 to a three judge panel. We were honored by a large and attentive group of community supporters who filled the appellants’ side of the courtroom, compared to the attendance of only four men in suits, including Charles Nauen, on our opponent’s side of the spectators’ gallery. Nauen, specially trained by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs to oppose BDS, is the Minneapolis attorney hired by Israel to monitor our lawsuit following recognition by Israel Bonds that our lawsuit could affect bond investments by 30 other states. Nauen has previously served as Governor Dayton’s attorney.

Unlike Judge Marrinan, the lower court judge who dismissed our case, the appellate judges were talkative, asking questions about standing, the meaning of the language in the Minnesota investment statute and even about the difference between Counts 2 and 3. One question that was asked was whether Minnesota courts have the power to enforce treaties (like the Geneva Convention). Although it was difficult to discern from the judge’s questions on which side of the issues they might fall, Judge Peterson, the only judge with significant legislative experience, asked a key question which the SBI’s attorney not only failed to answer but instead sidestepped in a visibly evasive manner. The question was central to our absurdity argument, that Minnesota’s statutory restrictions limiting investment in foreign governmental bonds to Canadian Bonds repaid in US Dollars can only be reconciled with the “international securities” investment provision if it excludes Israel Bonds. It was apparent that Judge Peterson understands the Minnesota statute in a manner that favors our position.

However, we need 2 out of the 3 judges to vote in our favor and, as we all know, the political culture in America has long tolerated exceptional impunity when it comes to Israel’s violations of international law and the human rights of Palestinians. A recent article on OpEdNews by two MN BBC members adroitly examines how this impunity has penetrated all branches of our government and the media. It is a poignant reminder that it is more important than ever to persist in our struggle for justice.

The Court of Appeals will issue a decision within 90 days of the oral arguments, so stay tuned!


Minnesota Court of Appeals to Hear Israel Bonds Divestment Appeal

For Immediate Release

September 24, 2012

On September 27, 2012, the Minnesota Court of Appeals will hear arguments in an appeal brought by the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) against the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI). The hearing is currently scheduled to begin at 11:15 a.m. in Courtroom 300 of the Minnesota Judicial Center at 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., in St. Paul.

MN BBC and others, including the besieged Palestinian village of Bil’in in the West Bank, sued the SBI for violating Minnesota law by investing in Israel Bonds. The appellants contend that Minnesota Statute 11A.24 restricts the SBI’s investment in foreign government bonds to Canadian Bonds, which excludes Israel Bonds. They also contend that the purchase of Israel Bonds materially supports Israel’s human rights violations and its continuing construction of illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, an internationally recognized violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, a ratified treaty binding on Minnesota courts pursuant to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. The appeal followed the dismissal of the lawsuit by Ramsey County District Court Judge Margaret Marrinan earlier this year.

Israel Bonds, an arm of the Government of Israel, has hired Minneapolis attorney Charles Nauen to advise them about the issues surrounding the case. Israel Bonds is concerned that the lawsuit could set a precedent for lawsuits in other states, according to a recent statement by the executive director of Israel Bonds Midwest Region. Nauen is a local pro-Israel activist and a recognized political figure in Minnesota politics, having served as Governor Dayton’s chief co-counsel during the election recount. Nauen has boasted that he has received training from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in tactics employed to resist the worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Patterned after the South African anti-apartheid movement, the worldwide BDS movement is a response to the Palestinian call for non-violent resistance to Israel’s violations of international law and human rights in its treatment of the indigenous Palestinian population. MN BBC is an active participant in the BDS movement. Because of Governor Dayton’s position as the chairperson of the SBI and his close ties to Nauen, Israel’s retention of Nauen to represent its interests with respect to MN BBC’s Israel Bond divestment efforts raises serious questions about the extent of Israeli governmental influence in the affairs of Minnesota state government. Governor Dayton has been particularly resistant to MN BBC’s divestment demands, even after receiving information that the SBI’s investment in Israel Bonds materially supports human rights violations and illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Media are invited to attend the hearing on September 27 but must register with the court prior to bringing recording devices.





From Georgia to Palestine: Connecting the Struggles Against Colonialism and Incarceration

Join us for a screening of the film Hunger, followed by a discussion of the role of prisoner rebellion and resistance in our shared struggles for liberation in the U.S., Palestine, and everywhere.

September 27, 2012 | 7 pm

at the Minnehaha Free Space 3747 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis

Across the globe and throughout history, struggles against colonialism and imperialism have been inextricably linked with the fight against incarceration and punitive social control. In the past year alone, we’ve seen prisoner strikes from Palestine to California, Syria to North Carolina, and Chile to the state of Georgia, all vital components of broader movements for social change.

Hunger (2008) follows the events of the 1981 Irish hunger strike by political prisoners in Northern Ireland’s Maze Prison. The hunger strike was called off after 10 Irish liberation prisoners, including leader Bobby Sands, died.

Note: Hunger is not rated, but contains graphic and disturbing footage that may be inappropriate for children. Childcare will be provided for this event, with a simultaneous screening of a kid’s movie.

Sponsored by Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign, Mizna and the Women’s Prison Book Project


MN BBC v. SBI Lawsuit Documents


On November 29, 2011, the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC), along with 26 other co-plaintiffs, including Palestinian residents of the besieged village of Bil’in in the Occupied West Bank and Jewish-Israeli members of the Israeli human rights group Boycott From Within, served a lawsuit against the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) demanding that it cancel its Israel Bonds investments. The suit was filed in court on December 15, 2011, after the plaintiffs gave the SBI an opportunity to resolve MN BBC’s divestment demand without the necessity of court action. The lawsuit claims that the Board’s investments in Israel Bonds are unlawful according to Minnesota and international law. For more information on the lawsuit, visit the MN BBC vs. SBI Lawsuit Archive.

Lawsuit Documents in chronological order (click individually for PDFs):

1. MNBBC v. SBI Full Complaint

2. SBI’s Motion to Dismiss

3. MN BBC Opposition to the SBI’s Motion to Dismiss

4. SBI Response to MNBBC’s Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

5. Plaintiff’s Summary Judgment Motion

6a. SBI’s Response to Summary Judgment Motion Part 1

6b. SBI’s Response to Summary Judgment Motion Part 2

7. MN BBC Response to SBI’s Opposition to Summary Judgment Motion


9. Court_Hearing_Transcript

10a. SBI Proposed Order Part 1

10b. SBI Proposed Order Part 2

11. Judge’s Order to Dismiss Case

12. Notice of Appeal with Appeal Filings

13. MN BBC (Appellant’s) Appeal Brief

14. SBI (Respondent’s) Appeal Brief

15. MNBBC (Appellant’s) Reply Brief

16. Court of Appeals Decision to deny MN BBC et. al. Appeal

17. MNBBC Appeal Petition to State Supreme Court

18. SBI’s Response to MN BBC’s Petition for Review

19. MN Supreme Court Decision to Deny Petition for Review



MN BBC Stands with the Family of Rachel Corrie

MN BBC Statement of Solidarity, September 1, 2012

On Tuesday August 28, 2012, an Israeli court exonerated the driver of a D9 Caterpillar bulldozer of any responsibility for the March 16, 2003 crushing death of Rachel Corrie, a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and human rights activist. Rachel was attempting to prevent the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from demolishing a Palestinian home when the Caterpillar bulldozer driver, a soldier, ran over her. Israel claimed that the driver did not see Corrie, though she was wearing a bright orange vest and speaking with a bullhorn. The driver had orders to demolish the home regardless (or rather, in spite) of the internationals trying to protect it, since if the ISM had succeeded in stopping the demolition it would have created a precedent which Israel could not contain in the futurei.

The internal military investigation regarding Corrie’s killing was flawed, amounting to a whitewashing of the soldier’s conduct, and the court hearing, in which Corrie’s family was demanding only a symbolic $1 damage award, further whitewashed the IDF and its history of killing of unarmed protesters.

Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) expresses its profound sympathy toward the family of Rachel Corrie. Attempting to pursue justice from a fundamentally unjust society can only increase the pain and trauma from unhealed wounds. We stand with them and hope that the support of millions of people around the world will help to bring closure and some peace.

MN BBC also expresses disgust and anger at the Israeli legal system, which once again shows itself with both thumbs on the scales of justice.

The verdict is only the latest in a long string of examples showing that Israel cannot be trusted to investigate its own actions. In 1983 the Kahan Commission was set up to investigate whether Arial Sharon was responsible for the massacre of 3,000 to 5,000 civilian Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in southern Lebanon. After reducing the number of civilians believed massacred in the camps, the commission found that Sharon had “indirect responsibility.” The Israeli government never punished him. In fact he was rewarded with the cabinet position of Ministry of Housing, a position which allowed him to develop plans for colonizing the West Bank.

Operation Cast Lead, in 2008-2009, in which Israel killed about 1,400 people and injured some 5,000 in the Gaza Strip, was criticized by human rights organizations around the world. The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, also called the Goldstone Report, found numerous cases of human rights abuses, war crimes, and possible crimes against humanity. Its credible investigative findings were accepted by many human rights organizations, however Israel’s own internal investigation found that the IDF was responsible for none of the abuses. (Israel did find one soldier guilty of stealing a Palestinian’s credit card.)

If justice cannot be achieved through the Israeli court system, one would certainly expect that at a minimum, the US State Department would do its utmost to protect American civilians from harm in a foreign country. Sadly this is not the case either. The US State Department will act to protect American citizens in almost any country except Israel. While Rachel Corrie’s parents were told in private by the American ambassador to Israel that the White House is not satisfied with Israel’s self-investigation, the State Department’s spokesperson discounted his comments and refused to make a statement regarding the verdict.

It appears that justice will come neither from the Israeli government nor the US government. It is increasingly essential that internationals who believe in human rights and justice work together in solidarity with the Palestinians to achieve it. MN BBC believes that the best and only way of achieving these goals in Palestine is by non-violent actions including boycotting, divesting from, and sanctioning Israel until it complies with international law. Join us in respecting the Palestinian call for BDS. Read more about how you can be a part of this growing movement.

i. From Battalion Operations Log on the day of Corrie’s killing, and reported in



MN BBC Appeals Dismissal of Israel Bonds Lawsuit



[St. Paul] MN Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC), a statewide campaign aimed at stopping the State of Minnesota from investing in Israel’s human rights and international law violations, along with several other individual and organizational plaintiffs, will file an appeal on the second anniversary of Israel’s attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla, May 31, 2012. The appeal* asks the Minnesota Court of Appeals to reverse a lower court ruling dismissing the group’s lawsuit against the State Board of Investment (SBI).

The lawsuit, filed in late 2011, contends that the SBI’s investments of millions of dollars in Israel Bonds are unlawful and imprudent. It alleges that the SBI’s statutory authorization to invest public employee pension funds, found in Section 11A.24 of the Minnesota Statutes, does not authorize the SBI to invest in Israel Bonds and that the SBI has done so unlawfully and with impunity. The lawsuit further alleges that the SBI’s investments in Israel Bonds are providing substantial material support for Israel’s human rights violations, including its illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories which have been universally condemned as violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The lawsuit further alleges that the SBI’s material support of Israel’s human rights abuses exposes the SBI and ultimately Minnesota taxpayers to lawsuits brought against them by victims of Israel’s human rights abuses.

Judge Margaret Marrinan had ruled in the lower court that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the lawsuit, that the language of the Minnesota Statute in question allowed the SBI to invest in any governmental bond of any country in the world; that this is a “political question” best left to other branches of government to decide; and that merely investing millions of dollars in the government bonds of another country, regardless of that country’s human rights record, is not sufficient to prove that the SBI is aiding and abetting human rights violations.

MN BBC believes that the lower court ruling is seriously flawed and that the appeal has exceptional merit. Minnesota law gives taxpayers and state pension plan beneficiaries standing to challenge the SBI’s investment decisions. MN BBC includes members meeting both criteria. The Minnesota Statute in question clearly does not permit the SBI to invest state funds in Israel’s government bonds and making an exception for Israel allows for other absurd exceptions. Further, the lawfulness of the SBI’s fiscal decisions is subject to court review. It is not a “political question.” Finally MN BBC contends that providing substantial material assistance to Israel’s illegal activities is sufficient to expose Minnesota and its taxpayers to claims and lawsuits.

MN BBC is a group of Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, students, professionals, parents, community members and allies working together to promote equality, justice and human rights by educating Minnesota communities about injustices being suffered by Palestinians. MN BBC believes that the people of Minnesota have the moral obligation to make sound investments that will not aid the oppression of any race, creed or people. Copies of the lawsuit and the appeal are available to the press and are linked below.


*Click these links to view MN BBC’s official Notice of Appeal and Statement of Case.

Photo credit:


Statement of opposition to Israeli Army’s raid of Stop the Wall office

On May 8,2012 the Israeli Occupation Forces raided the Stop the Wall office in Ramallah. This is not the first attack this office has seen. In 2009 two of the organizers at Stop the Wall were arrested. Neither had any charges brought against them. Yet it still took an intense international pressure campaign during their time in prison to bring about their release a few months later. Following the organizers’ release, the STW office was raided  during February of 2010.

These ongoing attacks tell us one thing with certainty: Israel is scared that the movement is effective. Today, with the imminent threat of death in the air as Palestinian hunger strikers Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh reach day 74 of their hunger strike, mass outrage is inevitable. Following behind Diab and Halahleh are over 2,000 other Palestinian prisoners on one of the largest hunger strike movements of all time.

They are protesting Israel’s long-standing policy of detaining Palestinians without charge or trial, as well as inhumane prison conditions such as egregious solitary confinement, denial of family visits, and the refusal to medically treat critical health conditions, all punitive measures which violate international law.

Stop the Wall has been supporting civil, non-violent resistance as well as avid advocacy campaigns for almost ten years. Their work is central to much of the resilient resistance on the ground against the apartheid regime.

Repression from Zionist forces is an inevitable result of the growing resistance movement and solidarity with Palestinians. Therefore it is vital that we support each other through such backlash with determination to let “the powers that be” know that we will increase our solidarity and non-violent resistance in response to increasing repression.



Divest for Justice in Palestine!