Press Release 12/16/11: Israel Bonds Lawsuit to Continue Despite Governor’s Refusal to Divest

Israel Bonds Lawsuit to Continue Despite Governor’s Refusal to Divest


December 16, 2011

[St. Paul] Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC), a statewide campaign aimed at stopping Minnesota investment in Israel’s human rights and international law violations, has officially filed its lawsuit against the Minnesota State Board of Investment. This filing comes after Governor Dayton rejected the Campaign’s demand that the SBI divest from in Israel Bonds.

The complaint was formally filed yesterday in the Ramsey County District Court in St. Paul, and today was assigned to Judge Margaret M. Marrinan, with case number 62-CV-11-10079.

On November 29, 2011, MN BBC, along with 26 other co-plaintiffs, including Palestinian residents of the besieged village of Bil’in in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Jewish-Israeli members of the Israeli human rights advocacy group Boycott From Within, served a lawsuit against the SBI demanding that it cancel its Israel Bonds investments. The suit was not formally filed in court at that time in order to permit the SBI an opportunity to resolve MN BBC’s divestment demand without the necessity of court action.

The lawsuit claims that the Board’s investments in Israel Bonds are unlawful according to Minnesota and international law because they help fund Israel’s universally condemned illegal settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Following Governor Dayton’s rejection of the divestment demand, the Executive Committee of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), headquartered in New York, advised all four members of the SBI Board, including Governor Dayton, that the Board was aiding and abetting Israel’s violation of international law, which also violates Minnesota law. The NLG correspondence to each of the four Board members, which was delivered to them on December 13, 2011, is posted at the MN BBC website at

In deciding to proceed with the lawsuit, the plaintiffs also considered the murder by Israeli soldiers last Friday of Mustafa Tamimi, a Palestinian resident of Nebi Saleh, one of a growing number of West Bank villages besieged by Israeli settlers. Tamimi was shot point-blank in the face with a high velocity tear gas grenade. Israel buys a portion of its military equipment with the aid of Israel Bonds. MN Break the Bonds Campaign believes that Minnesota should not be investing our state’s money in such atrocities.

To read the complete version of the lawsuit, go to:






Mustafa Tamimi shot in the face by an Israeli soldier; meanwhile the MN SBI reiterates that they do not base their investments on morality

By Beth Atim, December 14, 2011

On Friday, December 9, 2011, an Israeli soldier ruthlessly killed Mustafa Tamimi, a Palestinian from the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, Palestine. He was intentionally shot in the face with a tear gas canister from the back of an army jeep just a few yards away during the weekly demonstration against the colonization of his land.

Last Sunday, thousands gathered to mourn his death. Wrapped in a Palestinian flag and keffiyeh, Tamimi was carried through the streets of Ramallah and onto his home village, followed by a long procession of cars moving at the slow pace of a mournful community.

Photos captured of Tamimi just before and after he was hit have circled the globe, bringing feelings of horror to those who see them. One of these images depicts Tamimi’s head being held steady by the desperate hands of a fellow-demonstrator as blood spills out of his gushing wounds and pools below his almost-lifeless body. These are the images that we fear to look at; we gasp in disbelief and are left with a great sense of sadness for humanity.

We cannot help but think of the soldier who made the decision to shoot with such intentionality and precision at Tamimi. The systems of militarization and colonization that the Israeli government implements not only negatively affect the Palestinians, but it also dehumanizes Israeli youth by training and instructing them to occupy, torture, and kill.

This is the reason we do what we do; it is the reason we call on the Minnesota State Board of Investment with great urgency to divest from Israel until they abide by international law.

On Monday December 12th, members of MN Break the Bonds attended the State Board of Investment meeting during which one of the Board members stated, “Whenever I have a difficult situation on any of the boards I serve on, I always go back to my authority and my responsibility as defined by state law and the constitution. And they don’t list morality…”

When public officials so confidently state that their dedication is to the law regardless of morality, it is extremely difficult to believe that they understand the weight of such a statement. We sincerely hope that any such statement was made without full reflection. In light of yet another death at the hands of Israel’s occupation, we must take ownership of the fact that the Israel Bonds in which Minnesota is invested support Israeli settlements which suffocate the West Bank, the Apartheid Wall which cages in a whole society, and the military that occupies it.

Tamimi and the countless others whose lives have been taken by the Israeli Occupation Forces put a face on the struggle for Palestinian liberation. These are the faces we must remember. These are the faces that remind us how critical it is to look at what we finance and why. Minnesota, let us be a state that puts human rights first and divest from the Israeli occupation.



National Lawyers Guild writes letter of support for MN BBC Lawsuit to MN Attorney General Lori Swanson

You know your legal case has a strong backbone when…”the oldest and most extensive network of public interest and human rights activists working within the legal system” expresses support for it!


That network makes up the National Lawyers Guild, a non-profit federation of several thousand lawyers, legal workers, and law students that has been working to “advance social justice and support progressive social movements” since 1937. For more information about the NLG, visit their website at  The following letter was sent by their National Executive Committee to the Minnesota Attorney General:

Thank you NLG!

December 13, 2011

To: Attorney General Lori Swanson
CC: Governor Mark Dayton, State Auditor Rebecca Otto, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie

On behalf of the National Lawyers Guild, we write in support of the lawsuit filed on November 29, 2011, against the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) which seeks a judgment directing the SBI to divest from Israel Bonds.

The complaint against the SBI makes pointed reference to Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to which both the United States and Israel are parties. Article 49 specifically prohibits an occupying power from transferring (settling) parts of its own civilian population into territory it occupies. Article 49’s anti-colonization provisions are jus cogens, which means that they are mandatory norms of international law. Jus cogens violations are not political questions.

As the complaint abundantly shows, there is no credible dispute that Israel has been in continuous violation of Article 49 since shortly after the 1967 war by engaging in ever-accelerating settlement building activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem. In the last ten years, the United States has reduced its loan guarantees to Israel by nearly one billion dollars in response to Israel’s illegal settlement activities. The International Court of Justice has issued an advisory opinion confirming the illegality of Israel’s settlement activities and the UN Security Council has issued a number of resolutions condemning Israel for these activities.

It is well known that money obtained from the sale of sovereign Israel Bonds is used by Israel to fund its continued violations of Article 49 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. On its Israel Bond website, the Government of Israel goes so far as to even promote its settlement infrastructure projects along with its official slogan that Israel Bonds are a “Bond with Israel”.

Despite having been repeatedly informed that money generated from the sale of Israel Bonds is used by Israel to violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, the stridency by which the SBI clings to its Israel Bond investments demonstrates that they are at least “purposive”. This means that the Board is aiding and abetting Israel’s violations of international law. Such aiding and abetting is itself a violation of international law.

The SBI’s violation of international law also violates Minnesota law. The Fourth Geneva Convention is part of the supreme law of the land and must be regarded as part of the law of each individual state to the same degree as the state’s own statutes. Additionally, the Minnesota statutes impose an express fiduciary duty on each Board member to invest “in a manner consistent with law.” By aiding and abetting Israel’s violations, the Board members are investing state pension funds in a manner not consistent with law and violating their fiduciary obligations to the citizens of Minnesota.

By investing in Israel Bonds to “Bond with Israel”, the SBI has made an international law issue a Minnesota law issue. Under Minnesota law, the SBI’s investments in Israel Bonds are illegal and Minnesota should immediately divest.

National Lawyers Guild


Letter originally posted with photo:


Rally at the MN State Capitol December 12 at Noon!

Photo: Home demolished in Al-Walaja, West Bank, Palestine. In the background, the settlement of Gilo. Al-Walaja has lost about 70% of the lands it originally owned before 1948. (Active Stills)

On December 12, 2011 at 12 noon, we need YOU

to RALLY with us at the Minnesota State Capitol in the Rotunda.


Together, we will raise our voices to tell the MN State Board of Investment:

Stop funding Israeli occupation and apartheid: Divest from Israel Bonds NOW!

Speakers will include co-plaintiffs from the MN BBC lawsuit against the SBI.


Following the Rally, help us pack the room at the SBI’s Meeting

at 1:00 pm in Room 123 of the State Capitol Building

to show the Board Members how many Minnesotans support divestment!


Note: Signs on sticks are not permitted in the capitol building.

For Directions and Information on Parking visit:

So invite your family and friends and we’ll see you there!

Additional Information: Last Tuesday, November 29, 2011, MN BBC served a lawsuit on the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) seeking an order from the court directing the SBI to immediately divest from Israel Bonds and to refrain from purchasing more. This Rally is an opportunity to show the SBI that there is strong public support for them to do the right thing and divest, which is why your presence is so important! For more information about the lawsuit, or to learn how you can support MN BBC, visit or e-mail or call us anytime at or 616.745.6810. Thank you.



Take Action: Tell the Members of the MN State Board of Investment to Stop Investing in Israeli Apartheid!

You do not need to be a Minnesota resident to

participate in this action!

On November 29, 2011, the MN Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) is serving a lawsuit on the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI), seeking an order from the court directing the SBI to immediately divest from Israel Bonds and to refrain from purchasing more.

Minnesota’s investments in Israel Bonds help fund Israel’s illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as the imposition of a system of apartheid. Furthermore, we believe these investments are illegal according to state and international law.

Join us to demand that the four members of the SBI–Governor Dayton, Secretary of State Ritchie, Attorney General Swanson, and State Auditor Otto–realign Minnesota with state and international law by divesting from Israel Bonds!

Don’t wait–this important action will only take you 30 seconds. Click here to send one e-mail to all four board members to show your support for divestment from Israel Bonds today!

Thank you so much for your participation.


Read the full text of the complaint for our lawsuit against the SBI here

The Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC), along with the individuals and organizations listed below, is serving a lawsuit on the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) with a demand that it divest from sovereign Israel Bonds.

The full text of the Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Affirmative Relief which will be served on the SBI on November 29, 2011 can be downloaded as a PDF here: MNBBCvSBI.


Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign, Bil‟in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, Women Against Military Madness-Middle East Committee, LuciaWilkes Smith, Margaret Sarfehjooy, Catharine Abbott, Barbara Hill, Polly Mann, Leona Ross,Sylvia Schwarz, Nadim Shamat, Sarah Martin, Robert Kosuth, Mary Eoloff, Nick Eoloff, Vern Simula, Cynthia Arnold, Newland F. Smith, III, Ronnie Barkan, Ofer Neiman, David Nir, Leehee Rothschild, Renen Raz, Dorothy Naor, Gal Lugassi, Boycott From Within, David Boehnke


Minnesota State Board of Investment

Summary of Complaint taken from pages 31-32

Plaintiffs demand that the SBI divest from Israel Bonds on the basis that monies invested in Israel Bonds are pooled in Israel’s general treasury without restriction on use and that the SBI knows that these pooled funds augment funds that are then used and have been used by Israel to fund activities that violate customary international law. The SBI has refused to divest, in violation of its statutory obligation to act prudently. An actual controversy and dispute of a justiciable nature has therefore arisen between the plaintiffs and defendant.

WHEREFORE, plaintiffs pray for the following declaratory relief:
1. That this Court determine and declare that by investing in Israel Bonds,
a) the SBI has exceeded its investment authority;
b) the SBI has violated its statutory duty to invest plan assets lawfully; and
c) the SBI has violated the prudent person standard.
2. That this Court grant plaintiffs a temporary injunction prohibiting the SBI from further investing in Israel Bonds pending the outcome of this case and enter a final judgment directing the SBI to divest from all Israel Bonds.
3. That this Court grant to plaintiffs such other and further relief as the court may
deem just and equitable.

Note: Attorneys for the plaintiffs are listed on page 33 of the Complaint



Media Release 11/28/11: MN BBC serves lawsuit on MN State Board of Investment

Citizens’ Campaign Sues Minnesota State Board of Investment for Illegal Investments in Israel Bonds


November 28, 2011

Media Contacts:
Beth Atim: 612-756-6613 (cell)
Sylvia Schwarz: 651-485-5269 (cell)

[Minneapolis] MN Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC), a statewide campaign aimed at stopping Minnesota investment in Israel’s human rights and international law violations, along with several individuals and organizations, is serving a lawsuit on the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) with a demand that it divest from sovereign Israel Bonds.

The lawsuit contends that the SBI’s investment in Israel Bonds is unlawful and imprudent.  The investment violates Minnesota statutes that control the types of foreign investments the SBI is permitted to make. Foreign government bonds, including Israel Bonds, are not included in the SBI’s statutory list of authorized investments. Canadian Bonds are the only exception.

The lawsuit further claims that the SBI’s investment in Israel Bonds is unlawful because the SBI is knowingly aiding and abetting Israel’s internationally recognized violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention by financing Israel’s illegal settlement activities, which involve the prohibited transfer of Israel’s civilian population into the occupied Palestinian territories. International law affirms the culpability of those who financially aid and abet this type of international law violation.

Finally, the lawsuit argues that the SBI is in breach of its fiduciary obligations by exposing Minnesota taxpayers to liability to any victims of Israel’s human rights abuses and international law violations due to its material support of Israel’s unlawful activities.

MN BBC is a group of Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, students, professionals, parents, community members and allies working together to educate Minnesota communities about injustices suffered by Palestinians in order to promote justice and human rights.  MN BBC believes that the people of Minnesota have the moral obligation to make sound investments that will not aid the oppression of any one race, creed or people.

The lawsuit will be served on November 29, 2011 at the Attorney General’s office, 1400 Bremer Tower, 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul.  Members of MN BBC will begin gathering at the base of the escalators at 9:30 am, and then proceed to the AG’s office to serve the complaint at 10:00. Reporters and media are welcome to interview members of MN BBC and some of the co-plaintiffs following service of the complaint. Copies of the lawsuit will be available to the press. For more information, see the article at,


Mondoweiss article explains context of MN BBC lawsuit

by Sylvia Schwarz and Phil Benson, Mondoweiss, November 22, 2011

Minnesota is among twenty-two states and the District of Columbia which invest in State of Israel Bonds. Proceeds from the sale of Israel Bonds are disbursed by Israel’s Ministry of Finance to various Israeli government agencies and then used, in part, to fund illegal settlement activities in the West Bank, including the construction of the apartheid wall, the confiscation of Palestinian lands and the construction of Israeli-only bypass roads.

The State Board of Investment (SBI) is charged with managing Minnesota’s public employee pension fund investments, including the Israel Bond investments. The members of the SBI (Governor Mark Dayton, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, Attorney General Lori Swanson and State Auditor Rebecca Otto) have a statutory responsibility to the taxpayers to invest prudently and lawfully, while the SBI claims that it has no obligation to take into account moral or ethical issues in making investment decisions.

Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) was formed in response to the 2005 Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel and chose as its specific target the millions of dollars in Israel Bonds that the SBI holds in its portfolio. One of the primary reasons for targeting these state investments was the opportunity it provides to educate a broad state-wide audience to remedy the extreme dearth of accurate public knowledge of the Palestine/Israel situation. To this end, members of MN BBC have been traveling the state and presenting programs and educational events, film series and discussion sessions. Our group has grown from its two founders in 2006 to several hundred active members today.

Along with its educational component, for more than a year members of MN BBC have been meeting with state senators and representatives to encourage them to sponsor a bill to divest from Israel bonds. This effort has been largely met with steely stares and forced smiles. Invariably, legislators tell us that they have no control over the investments and that we should be speaking to the SBI. This we did. At one notable SBI meeting, several MN BBC members addressed the board, and although Governor Dayton listened respectfully, he clearly had other things on his mind. The response from the SBI was that we should instead be speaking to the legislators, since they had the power to legislate bans on certain investments.

While our appeal to the legislators and to the SBI was based on moral and ethical grounds, we also informed the Board that its investments in Israel Bonds were already illegal under existing Minnesota law. The Minnesota statute that controls the SBI’s investment decisions only permits investment in a narrow category of government bonds, including Canadian and U.S. Government bonds. Israel Bonds are not included. Nor, for example, are the government bonds of Iran, North Korea and Sudan included. Interestingly, the Minnesota legislature passed divestment legislation targeting privately held companies doing business in Iran and Sudan. These Iran and Sudan divestment bills include no provisions requiring divestment from the government bonds of either of those two countries, since any such investments are already prohibited, just as investment in Israel Bonds. Yet, the only foreign country (outside of Canada) in which Minnesota has invested in government bonds is Israel. Minnesota law is being broken for Israel alone.

In addition to the Minnesota statutory violation, Minnesota has an obligation to comply with all international conventions and treaties of which the U.S. is a signatory. This includes the Fourth Geneva Convention. Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits transferring the civilian population of the occupier into occupied territory. Israel, in contravention of this article, has been transferring Israeli civilians into the West Bank since 1967. The UN, the International Court of Justice and the United States Government all concur that this transfer is illegal. Knowingly providing financial material support for Israel’s illegal settlement activities and infrastructure equally violates the law.

The SBI has a duty to protect the taxpayers and the state pension plan from lawsuits. By financially aiding and abetting Israel’s violation of Article 49 and other international laws, the SBI could potentially be sued by victims of these violations. These lawsuits could come under the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), an 18th century law allowing foreigners to bring lawsuits in U.S. courts against those who aid and abet international law violations committed against them. Minnesota’s investment in Israel Bonds exposes the SBI and its agents, officers and employees to these lawsuits. Minnesota’s taxpayers would be stuck with the bill for defending against any such lawsuits and paying for any adverse judgments.

Because the SBI has refused to divest from its Israel Bond investments, before the end of November, MN BBC will serve a lawsuit on the Minnesota SBI seeking an order from the court directing the SBI to immediately divest from Israel Bonds and to refrain from purchasing more on the grounds that 1) the SBI’s investments in foreign government bonds (with the exception of Canadian bonds) are illegal according to Minnesota statutes; 2) investments in Israel Bonds aid and abet Israel’s continuing violations of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention contrary to international, U.S. and Minnesota law; and 3) by investing in illegal settlement activity, the SBI exposes Minnesota taxpayers and the state pension plan to potential lawsuits.

We believe strongly that the law is on our side. The lawsuit will also help to educate Minnesotans and Americans about the ongoing international law violations occurring in Israel and Palestine which our government leaders and politicians have supported with impunity. This is a small part of the work involved in solidarity with Palestinians and the call for BDS. The struggle for human rights continues.

P.S. We have recently been informed that the Minnesota State Board of Investment has invested in sovereign German bonds. Although this is in violation of state statutes, it is no longer correct that Israel is the only country for which Minnesota has violated its own laws.

Phil Benson is an active member of Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign and Friends of Sabeel North America. As an activist Presbyterian, Phil’s Christian values have been the force behind his work for justice in Palestine. Sylvia Schwarz is an engineer in St. Paul, a member of Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.


MN BBC Response to Richard Goldstone’s NYT op-ed

Campaign Statement, November 11, 2011

On November 5, 2011 the third international session of the Russell Tribunal convened in Cape Town, South Africa to examine the question: “Are Israel’s practices against the Palestinian people a breach of the prohibition on Apartheid under International Law?” The Tribunal is needed, claims its informational material, because “condemnations [of Israel’s violations of human rights and international law by the international community] have not been accompanied by sanctions of any kind [and therefore] Israel enjoys the tacit support of the international community.” The Russell Tribunal, while having no ability to force compliance with its rulings, is an educational tool seeking “to mobilize international public opinion so the UN and member states can be persuaded to act to end Israel’s impunity and build a lasting just peace.”

In advance of the convening of the Russell Tribunal, Richard J. Goldstone, who had chaired a UN commission to investigate potential war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Israeli incursion into Gaza in December 2008 – January 2009, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times entitled “Israel and the Apartheid Slander.”

After months of relentless pressure from Israel and Zionists in his native South Africa, including nearly being prevented from attending his grandson’s bar mitzvah, Goldstone issued a repudiation of parts of the report that his commission had written (Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, nicknamed the Goldstone Report). Several analysts have determined that no new information led to the repudiation of the original report (see, for example, Norman Finkelstein’s analysis) and that the original conclusions of the report stood. Importantly, none of the other members of the UN Commission repudiated any part of the report.

Apparently the pressure on Goldstone continues, because in his November 1 editorial he claims that Israel’s system of racially-based laws privileging Jews over non-Jews, restricting Palestinians’ movements, subjecting the Palestinians to cruel and degrading treatment at checkpoints, encircling Palestinian villages into ever smaller ghettos, denying them water, education, health services, and arbitrarily arresting them, is somehow not as cruel as South Africa’s Apartheid. He also made disparaging remarks about the quality of the experts at the Tribunal. The jury includes Stéphane Hessel, a Resistance fighter during WWII and survivor of the Nazi concentration camps who also played an important role in writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Gisèle Halimi, a French-Tunisian lawyer, feminist, and writer; Ronald Kasrils, a South African writer, politician, and activist; Marraid Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Northern Ireland, and Alice Walker, a writer and human rights activist from the U.S. These and the rest of the jurors are exceptional human rights and international law experts, any of whom Judge Goldstone would have been proud to work with in an earlier time.

Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) takes the position that the Israeli system of legalized discrimination is apartheid, as was concluded by the Human Rights Research Council of South Africa, and therefore its perpetrators are punishable under the UN Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Further, MN BBC believes the work of the Russell Tribunal is essential and we welcome its findings. MN BBC rejects Richard Goldstone’s actions and words which result in no elucidation of the conflict or its causes, and we will continue to work tirelessly for human rights in Palestine.




Teach-In at OccupyMN “Military Aid to Israel: Can Minnesota Afford It?”

Teach-In at OccupyMN THIS SATURDAY!

Brought to you by MN BBC & the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

Military Aid to Israel: Can Minnesota Afford It?
Presentation by Josh Reubner, U.S. Campaign
Saturday, November 6, 4:00 pm
300 South 6th St., Minneapolis
“Occupy Minnesota,” The People’s Plaza

The United States is scheduled to give $30 billion of taxpayer money for weapons to Israel between 2009 and 2018. Can Minnesotans afford this military aid to Israel? We’ll examine the financial, legal, political, and moral implications of this policy and will organize to end military aid to Israel and redirect that money to unmet needs in our communities.

Josh Reubner is a former Analyst in Middle East Affairs at Congressional Research Service, a federal government agency providing Members of Congress with policy analysis.  He holds a graduate degree in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. Ruebner’s analysis and commentary on U.S. policy toward the Middle East appear frequently in media such as NBC, ABC Nightline, CSPAN, Al Jazeera, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, The Hill, Detroit Free Press, Huffington Post, Middle East Report, and more.

Josh will also be speaking at other events in Minneapolis over the week so please check out the U.S. Campaign’s Blog for the full schedule!

To get involved in planning education events like these, contact


Divest for Justice in Palestine!