The Irvine 11: Free Speech, Islamophobia, and Israel’s Reach

September 29, 2011

The Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) denounces the convictions of the Irvine 11 students for conspiracy and disruption.

In February 2010 Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren visited the University of California’s Irvine campus to give a speech. This speech was an example of “rebranding Israel,” one of the Reut Institute’s recommendations for reshaping Israel’s worsening image in the world. Oren’s speech was interrupted by shouts from 11 students, who, one by one were led out of the auditorium by police (video here). UCI Chancellor Michael Drake, visibly embarrassed by the students’ behavior, attempted to shame them. Several pro-Israeli students in the audience attempted to silence the protestors using ridicule. At the end of the video a professor is seen telling the students that they have all flunked their exams.

The eleven protesting students, all Muslim and apparently all of Middle Eastern descent or origin, were subsequently charged with crimes. The charter of the student organization to which they belonged, the Muslim Student Union was revoked and the organization was placed on probation for two years.

A similar demonstration in New Orleans by the group Young Jewish and Proud, during a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, resulted in no charges against the Jewish demonstrators.

MN BBC believes that the eleven Muslim students had a constitutional right to demonstrate against the Israeli ambassador and express their political views. Charging and convicting them of the rarely prosecuted crime of disruption (dating back to campus protests against the Vietnam War) denied them their First Amendment rights of free speech and subjected them to unconstitutional selective prosecution. Additionally, suspending the students, denying their right of free assembly within the student group structure, and threatening to fail them for participating in the demonstration, are methods to stifle free speech, particularly political speech, and especially speech regarding views on Israel. Even the dean of the UC Irvine Law School, constitutional scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, commented that the prosecution was a “terrible mistake,” “unnecessary,” “harmful” and “divisive.” Hector Villagra, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, said “If allowed to stand, this will undoubtedly intimidate students in Orange County and across the state and discourage them from engaging in any controversial speech or protest for fear of criminal charges.”

We believe that the Irvine 11 were selectively prosecuted because of their ethnicity, religion and stance against Israel’s injustices, and that Islamophobia and racism of any type must be condemned and combated wherever they occur.







A Night of Photography, Stories, Music, & Food!

MN BBC in conjunction with Up Against the Wall! Photo Exhibit presents:

“Visible and Invisible: How Walls & Borders Affect Everyday Life in Palestine/Israel”

Monday August 22nd 6:30-9:00 pm

@ Vine Arts, 2637 27th Ave S. & Matthews Park, 2313 28th Ave S.

6:30 pm: Storytelling, Music, & Photo Exhibit at Vine Arts about How Walls & Borders Affect Everyday Life in Palestine/Israel.

8:00 pm: Come over to Matthews Park, multi-purpose room (1.5 blocks from Vine Arts) and enjoy some of the traditional foods of an Iftar Meal (dates, hummus, lamb, & more)! This is a meal eaten after sunset by Muslims who are fasting during the month of Ramadan.

For the exhibit’s entire month of events:

If you’re interested in volunteering or have questions e-mail or call elisabeth geschiere at or 616.745.6810

Photo: Flo Razowsky


MN BBC Day on the Hill Attracts Minnesotans From All Over the State!

by Sylvia Schwartz, April 4, 2011

The Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign successfully hosted its first Day on the Hill on Wednesday, March 30th. A huge thank you to everyone who came, and to all who volunteered to help make the day possible! Over 110 people from 25 different senate districts in Minnesota attended the Day’s events, including from as far away as Harmony and Brainerd, which are respectively located 125 and 140 miles away from the Cities. These committed participants represented a variety of religions, professions, and ages, all gathering to speak with their state legislators about getting Minnesota to divest from Israel.

The day started with an opportunity for legislators to meet informally with MN BBC members and enjoy a light breakfast. Especially because of the “Great Postcard Distraction of 2011,” during which a couple of legislators falsely accused MN BBC of fabricating the amount of support there is around the state for divesting, this was an important opportunity for face-to-face discussions.

The morning training sessions, held at Christ Lutheran Church,were intended to give participants background information to answer typical concerns that might be brought up about Israel/Palestine and divestment. Many attendees commented that the energy and solidarity of the day’s organizers and attendees alike was remarkable.

Ayah Helmy presented “Palestine 101,” a very brief history of the events which shaped Israel and Palestine in the 20thcentury. Susanne Waldorf and Sriram Ananth presented “BDS 101 and MN Break the Bonds,” a description of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions as a strategy, the call from Palestinian civil society for BDS, and how MN BBC fits into this strategy. Celia Kutz and Jessica Rosenberg, members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network of the Twin Cities (IJAN-TC) described the differences between Zionism and Jewishness and why it is important to distinguish between the two. Finally, Farheen Hakeem spoke about details members would need when meeting with their legislators, including what to expect in the meetings, what should be asked, and what time appointments were scheduled. 

At noon MN BBC held a rally inthe Capitol Rotunda. One attendee remarked that this was the most exciting portion of the day for her, because it gave visibility to Israel’s international law violations in a public meeting space.The rally speakers included Flo Razowsky from theMN BBC Core Team, Amina Maamarie from American Muslims for Palestine, Fr. David Smith from the University of St. Thomas, Sanna Towns from St. Paul Public Schools, and Sylvia Schwarz and Karen Redleaf from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Although the majority of those in the audience were MN BBC supporters, there were hecklers*, asking “What about Hamas?” This along with the Jewish Community Relation Council’s (JCRC) opinion piece that day which appeared in the Star Tribune claiming divestment from Israel as immoral divert attention away from Israel’s human rights abuses and international law violations and are destined to fail as strategies used by pro-Israel factions. Too much informationabout Israel’s atrocitiesis being disseminated to the American public for those tactics to be successful any more.

Throughout the afternoon, Day on the Hill participants met with their state senator and representative and delivered packets on MN BBC. Meetings were usually about 15 minutes, and, though no legislator offered to sponsor a bill, they were all made aware of the growing support for the campaign. Overall, the day was a huge success and a great move forward in accomplishing the four goals of MN BBC:
  1. To educate Minnesotans about the situation in Israel/Palestine and our complicity in human rights abuses

  2. To follow the Palestinian civil society call for Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel until Israel complies with international law

  3. To get Minnesota to divest from the Israel bonds that it holds

  4. To act as a model for the 21 other states and the District of Columbia that might want to start a similar divestment campaign.

If you did not complete a Feedback Form, please click here to download a copy of it! You can fill it out electronically, and e-mail it back to us at We highly value your input, so please take 5-10 minutes and fill the Feedback Form out today. Thank you!

*Our original report stated the hecklers mentioned were JCRC staff. JCRC maintains their staff were not the hecklers, so that statement has been corrected.


Help Defend MN BBC Against False Accusations: Take Action Today!

Like many Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns around the world, MN BBC is now under attack for taking a stand against Israeli injustices. However, these empty accusations and hostilities only demonstrate how effective our work is. People are certainly talking! Please keep reading to find out more and what you can do.

Since 2009, the MN Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) has collected nearly 2,000 postcards filled out by constituents from all over the state of Minnesota, with the intention of passing on the postcards to those supporters’ correct legislators.

These cards state:

“We the people of Minnesota have the moral obligation to make sound investments that do not oppress others. Minnesota’s investment in Israel supports Israel’s apartheid system which has caused thousands of civilian deaths, including children and widespread human rights violations. This system defies rulings by the International Court of Justice, more than 65 UN Resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention. As our representative, please help us break economic ties with Israel’s apartheid system.”

During this 2011 legislative session, MN BBC has been delivering these postcards to the appropriate legislators.

The postcards were designed to send to both state senators and state representatives.  If a MN Break the Bonds member submitted contact information on only one card, another card was prepared for them by MN BBC volunteers so that both of their state office holders would be able to be contacted equally.

Now, some state legislators are using these hand-duplicated postcards to call into question the integrity of MN Break the Bonds and to try to discredit our organization. In addition, MN Break the Bonds has been accused of fabricating names and addresses on the postcards that legislators are receiving. MN Break the Bonds categorically denies these outrageous allegations and stands behind each and every postcard. These attacks are designed to distract from the real concern that MN BBC has raised, which is the fact that Minnesota’s investments in Israel perpetuate human rights abuses.

We call on all our members, as well as current and future postcard senders, to join us in letting our legislators know we are serious, to not allow these false allegations to continue, that we must concentrate on the real issues at hand and that we will continue to not stand by while our money is used to perpetuate apartheid.

Actions you can take:

  • Please take a moment to send this very important email to both your state representative and senator: Share this link and ask your friends to send a message too!
  • If you do not live in Minnesota, please sign our online petition:

Lastly, Check out the update here about MN BBC’s meeting with the MN State Board of Investments (SBI):

Stay in Touch and Help Spread the Word. MN BBC is under attack and things are heating up. The time is now to continue building together to challenge our state’s support (via our money) of Israel’s Apartheid.

Thank you!



MN BBC Attends Follow-up Meeting with an Unresponsive MN State Board of Investment (SBI)

By Susie Gad, March 23, 2011

On March 18, 2011, members of the Minnesota Break the Bonds core committee met with representatives from the State Board of Investment and deputies from the offices of the Attorney General, the State Auditor, and the Secretary of State. The meeting was a follow up to the March 3, 2011 State Board of Investment meeting.

At the meeting, MNBBC highlighted its moral, legal and financial arguments for divestment from Israel bonds.  MNBBC was met with remarkable hostility, particularly from the representatives from the SBI and the AG. The SBI reiterated its position, which Governor Dayton voiced on March 3rd, that it solely considers financial returns in its decisions to invest and divest. Currently, the SBI insists that the Israel bonds that the state of Minnesota holds have competitive financial returns. The SBI also stated that it has never divested from a country on moral or ethical grounds.

Legal counsel from the AG’s office disputed MNBBC’s interpretation of the statute on state investments. The counsel argued that the statute is broad enough to allow Minnesota to invest in Israel Bonds. When MNBBC pointed out that the AG’s interpretation of the statute would also allow investments in “rogue” states, such as Iran and Sudan, the AG’s counsel agreed and did not dispute the absurdity of such an interpretation. Furthermore, she conceded that such an interpretation imposes no restrictions on investments in rogue regimes while restricting investments in US Government and Canadian Government obligations unless certain guarantees and conditions are met.

The AG’s office also insisted it had no obligation to draft a written opinion regarding the legality of Minnesota’s investments in Israel bonds, despite State Auditor Rebecca Otto’s motion at the March 3 SBI meeting to have the AG report back on the issue.  MNBBC was given no information regarding whether the AG is currently investigating the issue or has plans to do so in the future.

MNBBC gathered a lot of information at the meeting that will be helpful in solidifying our legal and financial arguments for divestment. However, our moral position remains the most important aspect of our campaign. Since, supposedly, it is only the legislature which can divest from Israel based on human rights and moral considerations, engaging our elected representatives remains crucial to our victory. Please join us on March 30 for MNBBC’s Day on the Hill to meet with your legislators and let them know that Minnesotans do not support investments in an oppressive regime. Register now by e-mailing or calling 612.354.2960 with your name, address and/or district, and a way to contact you.



The MN BBC Day on the Hill is tomorrow! Details Here

The MN BBC Day on the Hill & First-ever Grassroots Advocacy Training

March 30, 2011, 9 am – 4 pm

Click here for a street view map of Christ Lutheran Church and the Capitol!

To register, e-mail or call 612.354.2960 and provide us with your name, address and/or district, and a way to contact you.

More Information:

9 AM -12 PM Grassroots Advocacy Training @ Christ Lutheran Church on Capitol Hill (105 University Ave. Saint Paul, MN)

12 PM -1 PM Rally @ The State Capitol in the Rotunda — Will include speakers from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), and more!

1 PM Lunch @ Christ Lutheran Church – FREE IF YOU REGISTER!

1 PM -4 PM Meetings with your state legislators @ The Capitol — We set these up; you simply show up!

So REGISTER TODAY by e-mailing or calling 612.354.2960 with your name, address and/or district, and a way to contact you! It is extremely important that we know how many people to expect, both for food and to know what districts we do or don’t have constituents from.

Help us publicize! Put up posters about the event anywhere and everywhere: MNBTB_Rally_033011_8x11

Invite your friends on facebook!

Volunteer! E-mail to express interest. There are many tasks to be done in the next few weeks, and on the actual day of the event, so please tell us about any time, talents, or treasure you have to give!

Donate! to help cover the costs of the event. Find the Paypal link on our website by scrolling half-way down the home page:

If you have questions, please also contact or 612.354.2960. If no one answers the phone, please leave a message and we will return your call.

Your participation is invaluable.
We hope to see you soon!


Divestment from Israel Bonds: morally RIGHT

by Sylvia Schwartz, March 11, 2011

Steve Hunegs’ piece, “Divesting from Israeli bonds is morally wrong” repeats often propagated myths, per usual, omitting some important facts. Israel is a violator of human rights and international law. Numerous reports detailing these violations can be found in studies by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Israel-based human rights organization B’Tselem, and many agencies in the United Nations.

Democracy for Jews only

Israel is often called “the only democracy in the Middle East.” Within the borders of Israel (that is the territory internationally known as Israel, which does not include the West Bank, Gaza, or the Golan Heights) Israel’s minority Palestinian population are subject to ethnic based discriminatory laws which prevent them from purchasing, leasing, or working on most of the land (land owned by the Jewish National Fund is by law only for Jews), marrying and living with a spouse who is not an Israeli citizen, and visiting holy sites. In the United States such discriminatory laws would be found unconstitutional and struck down, but since Israel has no constitution there is no restriction on passing racist laws.

In the occupied territories two systems of laws are in effect and which system applies depends solely on ethnicity. Jewish Israelis (illegal settlers according to the Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49), are subject to Israeli civilian law. Palestinian Christians and Muslims, living only meters away from these illegal settlements, are subject to military orders, which are random and capricious. Palestinians can be and often are subject to “administrative detention,” which is detention without charges or trial, can last 180 days and be extended indefinitely. Adalah, the legal center for Arab minority rights in Israel, keeps statistics regarding the number of administrative detainees (including many children).


According to the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention, military occupation is considered a temporary condition during which the occupied population is to be protected under international law. Israel routinely violates provisions, including Article 3 (persons taking no part in hostilities shall be treated humanely), Article 33 (no protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed), Article 34 (the taking of hostages is prohibited), Article 49 (the Occupying power shall not transfer civilians into occupied territory), and many others.

The Separation Wall

In July 2004 the International Court of Justice found that Israel’s construction of a wall snaking deep inside the occupied Palestinian territory violates international law and ordered Israel to cease its construction and dismantle parts already built. The ICJ noted that the wall violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other covenants.

Rather than complying with the ICJ ruling, Israel has continued building the wall. It now runs more than 400 miles within the occupied territories and completely surrounds many villages, resulting in the confiscation of thousands of acres of Palestinian land and preventing Palestinians from accessing water sources, crops, workplaces, hospitals, schools, and even neighbors.

Minnesota’s involvement

These and many more Israeli human rights violations are what we, as Minnesotans, pay for with our investments in Israel bonds that total more than $18 million. The money from these investments goes into Israel’s general treasury and is used in projects like the wall, infrastructure, including roads and water distribution networks in the occupied territories which benefit only illegal Israeli settlers, and result in severe hardship, loss of land and livelihood for Palestinians.

If Hunegs believes, as he claims, that he is “work[ing] toward the realization of a two-state solution – a safe and secure Israel side by side a free and democratic Palestinian state,” why does he support investing in projects which make this solution impossible? These are projects which illegally appropriate Palestinian land, confine Palestinians into non-contiguous areas, and devastate the Palestinian economy. No Palestinian state can arise with those impediments; therefore the only conclusion to be drawn is that those who want to continue investing in these projects do not want a Palestinian state or Palestinian self-determination at all, despite the mantric repetition of those words.

After the US veto of the settlement resolution in the UN two weeks ago, and nearly 20 years of “negotiations,” it should be clear to all that we can no longer wait for governments to comply with human rights laws on their own.


Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign (MN BBC) was founded to follow the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) until Israel complies with international law. BDS is a non-violent tactic, modeled after the international BDS movement instrumental in ending South African Apartheid, which allows all of us, citizens of the world, to put pressure on governments to change their policies.

We believe in human rights for all and we believe that we have the moral obligation to make sound investments that will not aid in the oppression of any race or ethnicity. Because of its education and outreach program, more than 2,000 people across Minnesota have signed on to the campaign. We say, “We no longer want to be responsible for Israel’s actions. Divest for Justice!”



On March 13: Live folk-rock-soul music from the 1960’s!

“Put a Little Love in Your Heart”

Live folk-rock-soul music from the 1960’s!

Sunday, March 13, 2 – 6 p.m.

Oak Center General Store

67011 HWY 63
Lake City, MN 55041

Proceeds go to MN Break the Bonds, a campaign to get our state government to divest from Israel.

Late afternoon: Social dinner, primarily mid-eastern.
Bring some food to add, if you choose.
Evening: Belly dancing!

Admission at the door is $5 to $15, whatever you feel you can donate.

More info: (507) 645-7660


Divest for Justice in Palestine!