Peacemakers in Rochester invite YOU to learn with them!

You’re invited!

“Palestine Under Siege: What Every American Needs to Know.”

Thursday, January 20, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Christ United Methodist Church, Education Conference Center

400 5th Avenue SW. Rochester, MN 55902

Representatives from the Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign will present an hour-long program on the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation. This will be followed by a time for questions.

The BDS (Boycott Divest Sanction) movement (of which MN Break the Bonds is a part) has been gaining momentum in the U.S. as well as the world. This citizens’ initiative marks a turning point: the time for justice is long overdue for the Palestinian people, and traditional peace talks alone are not enough.

MN BBC has been on tour in the state giving programs like this one because as Minnesotans become informed on the ways they are supporting the Israeli government’s unjust policies, they will be asking themselves and others: “Why has our state legislature taken a pro-Israel position in the investment of our tax money?” They will expect their legislators to uphold and apply the same ethical principles to investment in Israeli bonds as was done in the past when Minnesota divested from bonds with Sudan, Iran, and S. Africa. State legislators from southeast Minnesota will be invited and encouraged to attend.

Sponsored by the Southeast Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers.

For more information, contact: Jean Chovan: or Carol Brunholzl
