Course offered for Seniors in Duluth – sign up today!

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict in Context

A University for Seniors Course Presented at the University of Minnesota-Duluth

February 8, 15, 22 & March 1 (Tuesdays)

8:30-10:30 a.m. in Kirby Plaza 311 on the UMD campus

The course will focus on the Israeli Palestinian conflict by placing that conflict in its historical and present day context. This context is based on in depth study and firsthand knowledge of the issues and is aimed at providing participants with knowledge and insights that enable them to see through the often inaccurate rhetoric that permeates the issue of Israel and Palestine in the United States.

Course Content

Week 1. Joel Sipress – The Zionist Narrative and the Historical Realities of Israel

Week 2. Pricilla Starratt – Forces for Peace and Violence in the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict.

Week 3. Mayra Gomez and Bret Thiele – The conquest of Palestine: Human right violations and living conditions in present day Israel and Palestine.

Week 4. Film: Anna Balzer – A Witness in Palestine followed by a discussion of the film and the entire course.

Joel Sipress and Pricilla Starratt are professors of history in the Department of Social Inquiry at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Bret Thiele is a human rights lawyer who has spent significant time travelling in and working on human rights issues in Palestine and Israel. Mayra Gomez is a Ph.D. sociologist and human rights advocate who has also spent significant time travelling in and working on human rights issues in Palestine and Israel and recently visited Gaza as well.

For further information call 726-7637 or visit the U. for Seniors website:

Participants must be members of University for Seniors. Call or visit the website for further information.