March for Gaza in Mpls Dec 30th at 11:30 am!

Tomorrow, December 27th, marks the one-year anniversary of the start of Israel’s three-week assault on the Gaza Strip that killed some 1,400 Palestinians and thirteen Israelis. One year later, the illegal blockade imposed on Gaza by the Israeli authorities continues to prevent reconstruction and recovery for its’ 1.5 million residents. That is why over 1,300 individuals–including six Minnesotans–from 43 countries are convening in Egypt this weekend to travel to Gaza and march nonviolently alongside thousands of Gazans, calling for an end to the illegal siege.
And you can be part of this historical event!

Everyone will gather at the Hennepin County Government Center Plaza (300 S 6th St. Minneapolis) at 11:30 am and march through the Skyways from 12-1. This is our opportunity to use nonviolent action to, as Ghandi stated, “quicken” the conscience of humankind.

We encourage everyone to wear pink (to stand out) and for families to participate; we hope to symbolize how 50% of the people in Gaza who are suffering are children under the age of 15. To learn more about the action worldwide, visit:

Want to help publicize the march or to create signs and banners? E-mail: